Time in Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China (Hong Kong), as portrayed by our refined timekeeping platform, delivers real-time displays of the current time. Precisely adjusted to the geographical coordinates spanning from 22.3193039 latitude to 114.1693611 longitude, our platform is synchronized with the unique topography of the Hong Kong in the Eastern Asia and Asia. This offers an authentic portrayal of the temporal landscape. Whether you are intrigued by the vibrancy of urban life or the tranquility of rural expanses, our solution ensures a seamless and accurate representation of time in Hong Kong. Immerse yourself in the sophistication of our timekeeping platform and stay in tune with the distinctive rhythm of the Hong Kong' dynamic time zones.
06:33:36 746083561 PM
Sunday, October 06, 2024
40 Day of week — 280 Day of Year
- Hong_Kong
06:33 PM (October 6)
Hong Kong Common Information
Hong Kong is a sovereign nation located in APAC and falls under the Asia region. It is known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse landscapes. The country is identified by its ISO codes - The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China (ISO Long Name) and Hong Kong (ISO Short Name). The current local time in Hong Kong is 06:33 PM, reflecting the unique time zone of the region.
Long Name: | The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China |
Short Name: | Hong Kong |
Local Name: | Hong Kong |
Nationality: | Hong Kongese |
Latitude: | 22.3193039 |
Longitude: | 114.1693611 |
Subregion: | Eastern Asia |
Region: | Asia |
World Region: | APAC |
Country Code: | 852 |
National Number Lengths: | 8 |
Emoji Flag: | 🇭🇰 |
Currency Code: | HKD |
Currency Name: | Hong Kong Dollar |
Currency Symbol: | $ |